HD Makeup Gone Wrong

Who can forget Nicole Kidman's makeup disaster on the red carpet that went viral a few days after the event?

How about Eva Langoria's scary overly concealed eye baggies?

Even this pop diva, turned fashion icon have bad makeup days! Victoria Beckham's unfortunate run in with a supposed translucent powder:

The thing is ladies, cosmetic companies have found a new marketing strategy: HD MAKEUP. Not because these products are marked HD, doesn't mean they are HD ready. There is a debate going on in Hollywood that actors don't want these HD cameras to shoot them anymore because of how they make them look on camera. They look older than they actually are, and they can't use a lot of makeup!

But, we have to keep up with the times. Clearer pictures mean HD Cameras. And HD Cameras mean, real HD Makeup application needed (see my post about HD Makeup HERE).

I recently bought a product to test these HD Marketing Strategy theory. I bought ELF's new High Definition Under eye Setting Powder. The powder's consistency is a little bit chalky. But when blended well with fingers, the powder seems to be doing it's job. During the day, I would use this powder because it made me look NOT tired.

The product brightened up my look, as if I had a good night's sleep.

I did a makeup tutorial this morning even though I had a late night last night editing some stuff for work. I still promised my readers that I would upload a new video so I did. And my miracle ELF HD undereye setting powder did its job:

Looks so good right? I love that my undereye area is highlighted and I actually look very fresh. Now, the ultimate test. What if you want to have the same look for a night out? Is this HD powder camera flash ready as well?

No, no, hell no! I was so surprised after seeing this photo of myself wearing the so-called HD powder. Real HD makeup shouldn't do this. There is nothing more un-attractive that stark-white undereye makeup. I took this photo with my iPhone. I wonder how this would look in a real HD camera?

The verdict? Day time, yes! (if you are taking photos without a flash). Night time, NO! Aspiring makeup artists: this will definitely not look good on camera so beware!

Hollywood celebrity photos courtesy of Google Images

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