Call Me Paranoid... But You Should Be Too!

I have always loved going to the nail salon having my nails pampered either for just a cleaning, a foot spa, or have my nail color changed when I am in urgent need of spoiling myself. But ever since my friend told me a few years back (maybe 3 years ago) about what she read in the internet about how that lady in the US contracted that some kind of fungus from having her nails cleaned in a nail salon, I literally turned green and wanted to faint.

Some would say I am too anal about my nails or that I am being too paranoid (and someone even used the word 'un-trusting'?), but I really want to be safe than sorry later on. Sometimes it can't be avoided that you get wounds during a cleaning when the technician "digs" too deep the cuticles and hangnails, and what if the tools were un-clean? What happens then?

I now present to you my Top Secret, 007 stuff that I bring with me every time I want to have my nails done. Hahaha! Just kidding about the top secret stuff. I have had this kit for the past 3 years and I don't have a plan to stop using it!

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