Look Chic in Seconds!


Last Saturday, my cousin got married and it was sort-of a much anticipated wedding for the family since it's been a while since someone got married.

So... I had the dress, the shoes, the clutch, the jewelry. I had the perfect nail peg, and makeup was the least of my worries. The only thing was, I didn't know what I was going to do with my hair. Let me tell you now that I can't do my own hair to save my life. Either I just do a sleek ponytail, a basic chignon, or leave it down and curl it. But I couldn't do any of those because I had short hair now (for those of you who do not know why I had to cut my hair short, you can read about it here: My Ombre Faux Paz)

I have had so many brides who have extensions put on them when I do weddings, but I never really considered them before because again, I know I wouldn't be able to put them on myself anyway.

Sathura Hair Extensions
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